How to execute for each table in the list one fixed query replacing just %table% in PostgreSQL (like variables and loops)
sql = 'select * from $table$ where...some_filter'
$table = {tb1, tb2, tb3...}
Somenone could clarify?
Though not specifically GIS related, I'm working on something similar, so here's a quick solution.
Assuming you're using psycopg2 and already have a connection and a cursor set up to your database:
#array of table names
tables = ['schools_current', 'schools_projected']
for x in tables:
sql_statement = 'select * from dpsdata.' + x + ';'
#hard-coded schema name above so you'll have to set your own
print sql_statement
rows = curSource.fetchall()
print rows
wrapped in a function if you want to stick to the DB server to make this work.