I have one shapefile of Brazilian states (black lines) and another shapefile of Brazilian biomes (colored areas).
I want to add, on the states' attribute table, the percentage of each state's area occupied by each biome. The table would become something like this:
State.Name Amazon Cerrado Caatinga Atlantic.Forest ...
Amazonas 100 0 0 0
Tocantins 10 90 0 0
Minas Gerais 0 50 10 40
Rio de Janeiro 0 0 0 100
The names of the biomes would come from a field in the biomes shapefile.
I have found methods for single polygons (not for a table with dozens, or thousands, if done for municipalities -- which is my actual goal). Also found a method to calculate the area if the biomes were a raster, but here they are a vector, and I'd rather not rasterize it. Found a Python script too, but I don't dominate that language, and I think this should be simpler than that.
How can I do that in QGIS?