I am using a PostGIS query to find the intersection of two streets, and then transform the results into lat/lon. The street database's current SRID is 6856, a projection I added to PostGIS myself; and the target SRID is 4326. For reasons unknown, the transformation is not working. Here is my original query, which produces a point in feet:
SELECT distinct(AsText(intersection(b.geom, a.geom))) AS the_intersection FROM (SELECT geom FROM public.streets WHERE streetname='LOVEJOY' AND prefix='NW' AND ftype='ST') a, (SELECT geom FROM public.streets WHERE streetname='23RD' AND prefix='NW' AND ftype='AVE') b WHERE a.geom && b.geom AND intersects (b.geom, a.geom);
And here is my modified query, in which I attempt to transform the feet to lat/lon:
SELECT distinct(AsText(ST_Transform(intersection(b.geom, a.geom),4326))) AS the_intersection FROM (SELECT geom FROM public.streets WHERE streetname='LOVEJOY' AND prefix='NW' AND ftype='ST') a, (SELECT geom FROM public.streets WHERE streetname='23RD' AND prefix='NW' AND ftype='AVE') b WHERE a.geom && b.geom AND intersects (b.geom, a.geom);
This is my error message:
ERROR: AddToPROJ4SRSCache: could not parse proj4 string ''
I have verified that both 6856 and 4326 are available in my spatial_ref_sys. Any insights would be appreciated.