I have an image collection with 35 years of imagery. Each image in the collection represents a measure of annual NDVI for each year from 1985 to 2019. I want to take this image collection and create a single image where there are 35 bands, each band representing NDVI_1985... to NDVI_2019.
I think it would something like this:
var ndvi_collection = ndvi_coll.select(['nd_p95_rescaled','time'],['NDVI','time']);
print(ndvi_collection, "ndvi collection");
var multiband = ndvi_collection.iterate(function(image, result) {
return ee.Image(result).addBands(image.select(['NDVI']));
}, empty);
The issue is that I want to carry over information about year in the band names or retain the 'time' band for each year as well.
Here is the link to the entire GEE script: https://code.earthengine.google.com/a7fcc54f529ca1a43743f90b603a85b7