@AnnaForrest's answer is almost there.
You need to quote properly in SQL, have a look at my answer Generating a SQL statement from a text file to make a selection for the syntax, whereclause = "NAME IN ('{}')".format("','".join(list_of_strings))
... look closely at the quotes, python doesn't care if you use single or double as long as they're matched, SQL does, it must be a single quote for strings in SQL so in python start/end with a double when creating definition queries and then you can use as many single quotes in that string as you like with needing to escape them in the form \'
Although many examples of definition queries have quotes or brackets around field names the truth is you really don't need them for a selection query, just use the field names and the query will work with shapefiles, personal/file/enterprise geodatabases and tables - that saves a lot of quote-in-quote-out guessing (is this one for SQL or for python?) to having both ends double and then every single inside is for SQL!
As analog_years is already a list but numbers and not strings the join function will have a dummy spit which is why Anna has tried list comprehension str(x) for x in analog_years
but is missing the beginning and terminating list brackets, that should be [str(x) for x in analog_years] as a list comprehension; I generally avoid using comprehension for new users as it's really confusing what's actually happening, for a new user try
YearsAsStrings = [] # an empty list
for ThisYear in analog_years:
YearsAsStrings.append(str(ThisYear)) # add the string of the year to the list
analog_years = YearsAsStrings # copy back to your original variable as strings
To select all those years:
# as list comprehension
analog_years = [1950, 1993, 2010]
QF = "BASIN = 'NA' AND USA_RECORD = 'L' AND YEAR_FIELD IN ('{}')".format("','".join([str(x) for x in analog_years]))
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(hurr_p_data_01, "lfalls_01",QF)
# as list building - easier to see what's happening here.
analog_years = [1950, 1993, 2010]
YearsAsStrings = [] # an empty list
for ThisYear in analog_years:
YearsAsStrings.append(str(ThisYear)) # add the string of the year to the list
analog_years = YearsAsStrings # copy back to your original variable as strings
QF = "BASIN = 'NA' AND USA_RECORD = 'L' AND YEAR_FIELD IN ('{}')".format("','".join(analog_years))
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(hurr_p_data_01, "lfalls_01",QF)
-or to loop through each year, selecting only that year-
for ThisYear in analog_years:
QF = "BASIN = 'NA' AND USA_RECORD = 'L' AND YEAR_FIELD = {}".format(ThisYear)
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(hurr_p_data_01, "lfalls_01",QF)
Note: if your date field isn't a string then don't quote the values for SQL, the IN operator would work like "YEAR_FIELD IN (1950, 1993, 2010)"