So I've made a number points for a set of locations in the Netherlands. Here they are:
The location of the purple point was computed by means of the “mean coordinate(s)” tool in QGIS. It represents the mean of the coordinates of five student cities in the West of the Netherlands: Amsterdam, Leiden, Delft, Rotterdam, and Utrecht.
I wanted to create a point at the exact same location of this mean, and add it to the existing table of (locations of) student cities I already had. So I looked up the locations of the mean:
And I created a point for which the longitude matches the MEAN_X and the latitude matches the MEAN_Y. Here it is as point number thirteen in the table:
On the map, it corresponds to the yellow (highlighted) location. However, as one can see, the locations of the two points don't match. The points do not overlap one another.
My questions are: why is this the case, and how can I adjust the situation in such a way that the points do overlap? It seems that the coordinate systems of the two points match.