While running SAGA 7.30 version in QGIS 3.16, they show an error that version is not supporting and checking about a new version for up-gradation that might solve the issue but the 7.30 version is the newest.
How can I fix this problem?
While running SAGA 7.30 version in QGIS 3.16, they show an error that version is not supporting and checking about a new version for up-gradation that might solve the issue but the 7.30 version is the newest.
How can I fix this problem?
The SAGA 'Fill sinks' algorithm works here in QGIS 3.16.0 running in Ubuntu 20.04 with SAGA version 7.3.0. It throws a warning but not an error and the result appears to be fine. Try the following:
Firstly, in the Processing Toolbox options deactivate SAGA.
Secondly, install the QGIS plugin 'Processing Saga NextGen Provider'.
Thirdly, in the Processing Toolbox options under SAGANG, set the 'SAGA folder' to '/usr/bin'.
At this stage try running the 'Fill sinks' algorithm, if it doesn't work let us know what error messages are generated.
I have worked around the same issue. Actually the current SAGA version is 7.8.1 (see here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/saga-gis/files/SAGA%20-%207/SAGA%20-%207.8.1/), but it has not yet made it to the ubuntu repositories. There is a tar.gz to download from the saga folder for linux distros, though I have not managed to get it to run on ubuntu 20.04, but maybe you have better luck (or someone else here can help us on this).
My workaround for now:
There is a way to all SAGA vector algorithms that works!
The next model is an example for SAGA Convert Polygons to Lines algorithm. Just change this algorithm with the one you need (plus the necessary inputs).