I have a multipolygon table with overlapping and non overlapping multipolygons. Where they overlap I need to keep the one with the highest (=1) priority and erase away from the lower priority (prio values >1) ones to make the table non-overlapping:
create table table1 (
prio int,
geom geometry(MULTIPOLYGON,3006));
insert into table1 (prio, geom) values
(1, ST_PolygonFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((666263 7266050,666869 7259810,671789 7265158,666263 7266050)))')),
(2, ST_PolygonFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((670720 7261236,668652 7264445,672966 7264124,670720 7261236)))')),
(3, ST_PolygonFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((669401 7267012,670328 7263233,674677 7266157,669401 7267012)))')),
(4, ST_PolygonFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((666263 7258563,666905 7254748,669615 7257315,666263 7258563)))'));
I can maybe solve this with something like this but its going to require alot of code since I have ~40 prios.
select id, prio, geom from table1 where prio=1
select p1.id, p1.prio, ST_Difference(p2.geom, p1.geom) geom from
(select * from table1 where prio=1) p1
(select * from table1 where prio=2) p2
on st_intersects(p1.geom, p2.geom) and p1.id <> p2.id
--select id, prio, geom from table1 where prio=2
-- ...
Isnt there some easier way?
(This is the query I ended up with:
ST_Difference(a.geom, blade.geom),
)) AS geom
FROM table123 AS a
SELECT ST_Union(geom) AS geom
FROM table123 AS b
WHERE a.geom && b.geom and a.prio > b.prio --The intersects operator greatly improves performance (from hours to a few seconds) with my data since most polygons does not overlap and doesnt need to be prioritized.
) AS blade