I have a shapefile with a datetime field. I want to split the features by year and save into a geodatabase. My approach has been to create a list of years, and from there iterate over the list and perform a select by. However I've struggled to make a selection - see below -
import os
import arcpy
from datetime import datetime
SHP = "D:\Data\Footprints\Footprints_test.shp"
#create gdb
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management("D:\Data\Footprints", "Footprints_test.gdb")
GDB = "D:\Data\Footprints\Footprints_test.gdb"
#calculate date field
arcpy.management.ConvertTimeField(SHP, "raw_date", "yyyy-MM-ddTHHmmss.s;3081", "cap_date", "DATE", '')
year_list = [(set(datetime.strftime(row[0], "%Y") for row in arcpy.da.SearchCursor(SHP, "cap_date")))]
#save to gdb
for x in year_list:
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(SHP, "NEW_SELECTION", cap_date_q.date.year = x)
arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(SHP, GDB, "Footprints_"+str(x))
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(SHP, "CLEAR_SELECTION")
Obviously the
cap_date_q.date.year = x
syntax is wrong. However, I've really struggled through the documentation.
How do I properly interact with the date field?