Looking to create the ESRI George Washington style set in QGIS. It is only avaliable as a .stlyx but the png's are available. Is there a way to set the length of the raster image to the segment length of a line or polygon edge?

Additional Information:

this shows what it should look like in Arc and also a link to the png images. https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=191ef05f8bd844c68eee365ada32561b

Downloaded a ArcGIS Pro trial to see what I should get in Arc. enter image description here

QGIS 3.16 view with points can be played about with and polygon fill can as well. Lines seem to be the biggest issue. enter image description here

QGIS settings as follows, with a rotation of 90 degrees for the line so it runs along the line.

enter image description here

  • Please post some images of what you currently have, as well as what you would like to end up with.
    – Stu Smith
    Commented Nov 21, 2020 at 17:18
  • Have just added some images. Wanting to make it into a QGIS style so I can use it beyond the ArcGIS Pro trial.
    – mh_perth
    Commented Nov 21, 2020 at 21:50


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