Should I assume that the following error occurs because the file is corrupt? Is there any way I can get more information out of this file?

bad_las <- readLAS("~/Downloads/3102_309374.las")
#> ERROR: reading 151140850 bytes of data into header.evlrs[0].data
#> ERROR: cannot open lasreaderlas with file name '/Users/lucasj/Downloads/3102_309374.las'
#> Error: LASlib internal error. See message above.
#> ERROR: reading 151140850 bytes of data into header.evlrs[0].data
#> ERROR: cannot open lasreaderlas with file name '/Users/lucasj/Downloads/3102_309374.las'
#> Error in C_reader(ifiles, ofile, select, filter, filter_wkt) : 
#>   LASlib internal error. See message above.
#> [1] ‘3.0.5’
#> [1] ‘1.3.7’

UPDATE lasinfo and las2txt produce the following error:

ERROR: reading 151140850 bytes of data into header.evlrs[0].data
ERROR: cannot open lasreaderlas with file name '3102_309374.las'
ERROR: could not open lasreader
  • 1
    Can lasinfo or las2txt from lastools read the file?
    – JRR
    Commented Dec 28, 2020 at 19:50

1 Answer 1


This looks like the same issue I reported here (which is still open, so there's no solution in rlas yet). Ultimately, I had to use lastools' las2las (on an entire acquisition) to loop through and read/rewrite all the files and it fixed it. Based on that issue on github, I've been contacted by a few others and the las2las approach worked for them too...

  • 1
    This means that an update of laslib in rlas should fix the issue
    – JRR
    Commented Jan 9, 2021 at 22:23
  • This doesn't seem to work for me. las2las produces the same errors as above with las2txt and lasinfo.
    – Lucas
    Commented Jan 12, 2021 at 0:43
  • Update lastools and if this does not help your file is definitively corrupted in a irrecoverable way
    – JRR
    Commented Jan 14, 2021 at 19:37

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