I have a QGIS project file, it has a point layer in GPKG format and online map layers. Coordinate System of online map layers is WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator. Point layer's default coordinate system is WGS84 4326. I try to modify coordinate system of point layer using QGIS C++ API and QgsQuick
based on user's input with EPSG code. The code below creates new project. When I open the project and create new points on online map layer, it is OK. But when I open the project again, the points are at wrong place, like middle of Africa. I think there is a problem about on-the-fly projection about the project file. I wrote this C++ code from an answer about creating project with PyQGIS.
Is there a way to fix this problem? Should I set the extent, project coordinate system before saving the project?
You can see the project's source code here.
QString ProjectModel::addNewProject(QString name, QString epsgcode )
// create CRS with EPSG
QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem my_crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem( "EPSG:" + epsgcode );
if ( !(my_crs.isValid()) ) {
return "crs_not_found";
// new project folder path name
QString new_path = dataDir() + "/" + name;
// folder path name to directory
QDir dir( new_path );
if ( !(dir.exists()) ) {
// Copy sample qgs project and point layer to destination path
copy_survey_project( name );
// New project path
QString projectName = new_path + "/" + name + ".qgs";
// initialize project and clear project
mProject = QgsProject::instance();
// Read the copied qgs project
mProject->read( projectName );
// Point layer
QgsMapLayer *myLayer = mProject->mapLayersByName("survey")[0];
if( myLayer && myLayer->isValid() ){
// Set new CRS to the layer
myLayer->setCrs( my_crs );
// Save the project
mProject->write( projectName );
return "ok";
return "fileExists";