I am developing a plugin in PyQGIS 3. Within this plugin, I want to change the symbology of a layer to categorized. I want to categorize based on the column Collecti_2
in PyQGIS 3. This step has been done in the first section of the code. However, when I want to give these produced categories a color based on the fieldName Color
the results are colored shapefiles with a legend that contains only blue colors? This is my code:
#add National_BC_produced
layer = QgsVectorLayer(output_folder + 'National_BC_Joined3_' + str(year) + '.shp', "Collection_Systems_" + str(year), "ogr")
layer = QgsProject().instance().mapLayersByName('Collection_Systems_' +str(year))[0]
fieldName = 'Collecti_2'
fieldIndex = layer.fields().indexFromName(fieldName)
categories = []
for u in layer.uniqueValues(fieldIndex):
symbol = QgsSymbol.defaultSymbol(layer.geometryType())
category = QgsRendererCategory(u, symbol, str(u))
renderer = QgsCategorizedSymbolRenderer(fieldName, categories)
style = QgsStyle().defaultStyle()
# The "magic" missing part
for index, category in enumerate(renderer.categories()):
newSymbol = QgsFillSymbol()
newSymbolLayer = newSymbol.symbolLayers()[0]
data_defined = QgsProperty.fromField("Color") # "color" is the name of the field
newSymbolLayer.setDataDefinedProperty(QgsSymbolLayer.PropertyFillColor, data_defined)
renderer.updateCategorySymbol(index, newSymbol)
And these are the results:
How can I create a code which also gives the categories in the legend a same color?