I want to add interpolated points in a LineString using shapely. The interpolated points should be in the middle of every two Points present in the LineString. The shapely interpolate
function adds the Points for the specified distance.
1What have you tried so far? Please add a sample script so that the users don't have to build a script from scratch.– NouraCommented Jan 15, 2021 at 10:45
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1 Answer
This should work using Shapely and its centroid logic.
>>> from shapely.geometry import LineString
>>> line = LineString([(-99.156916, 23.731817), (-99.131389, 23.746944)])
>>> line.centroid.x
>>> line.centroid.y
If the linestring has multiple points, you could do something like this:
from shapely.geometry import LineString, Point, MultiPoint
def pairs(lst):
for i in range(1, len(lst)):
yield lst[i-1], lst[i]
line = LineString([(-73.99985280540224153, 40.72083221571505618), (-73.98959491620782103, 40.73375715610002601), (-74.00313532994445609, 40.7397067318327899), (-73.99349291410169371, 40.75160588329831768), (-73.98118344706838911, 40.74627178091721902), (-73.97256682014507589, 40.75776061681496998), (-73.98610723388171095, 40.76371019254773387), (-73.97215650457729907, 40.77909702633935751), (-73.96641208662842359, 40.78648270655934027), (-73.96169345759899727, 40.7932529134276578)])
centroids = []
for pair in pairs(list(line.coords)):
linestring_pair = LineString([pair[0], pair[1]])
centroids.append(Point(linestring_pair.centroid.x, linestring_pair.centroid.y))
# MULTIPOINT (-73.99472386080504 40.72729468590754, -73.99636512307615 40.7367319439664, -73.99831412202307 40.74565630756555, -73.98733818058504 40.74893883210777, -73.97687513360674 40.75201619886609, -73.9793370270134 40.76073540468136, -73.97913186922951 40.77140360944355, -73.96928429560286 40.78278986644935, -73.96405277211372 40.7898678099935)
which would look like this:
But this would work for LineStrings having two points only. My LineStrings have multiple points. Centroid function will just return a single point.– ArcherCommented Jan 15, 2021 at 10:34
I updated the response for multiple segments @Archer Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 10:49
@TimothyDalton Thanks a lot. This should work. I am just concerned about computation time though. I have 3 million LineStrings to process.– ArcherCommented Jan 15, 2021 at 11:28
1@Archer how long are the linestrings? I would use multiprocessing and break the list of linestrings up into chunks pymotw.com/2/multiprocessing/basics.html and let your CPUs do the rest. It shouldn't take very long, just make sure you aren't printing the result. Commented Jan 15, 2021 at 11:37