I apologise if I'm not using the right terms but I'm not a GIS expert.
This page has some GeoTIFFs (at least, I'm pretty sure they're GeoTIFFs) which I'd like to analyse and I have downloaded the first one:
When I open this file in an image viewer (e.g. PhotoShop) it opens as 8 bit greyscale. When I examine a specific pixel in, say, water (since that is visually obvious in the file) PhotoShop tells me the RGB values are (80,80,80). All other land cover values seem to follow the same pattern e.g. (29,29,29), (113,113,113) etc.
There is nothing on the previous page (http://data.ess.tsinghua.edu.cn/) that seems to give any indication of a "legend", or what type of land cover each RGB value in the GeoTIFF file maps to. I am assuming this is something commonly known or understood amongst GIS experts, but no amount of searching on this SE or google searching turns up any result. I even tried to look through the GeoTIFF standard but I couldn't see anything obvious there.
Is there somewhere I can get a breakdown of the RGB values in that file to common land cover types such as water, urban, forest etc.?