PDAL looks like a fantastic library but for some reason when I install Anaconda, it breaks a bunch of dependencies\paths. Is it possible to use PDAL without having Anaconda (Miniconda) installed? If so, can you outline the steps? This is where I am getting my steps now - Windows 10 It may be stemming from the "Register Anaconda as your default Python" checkbox. I would rather not do that.
UPDATE Things are working well in the OSGEO4Shell and I was able to run a pipeline with
pdal pipeline testpipe1.json
"a_srs": "EPSG:4326",
"polygon":"POLYGON ((
-90.28151392936705 38.64088326179908,
-90.28208792209625 38.64059415029273,
-90.2816641330719 38.64016257587423,
-90.28008699417114 38.640112295190406,
-90.27978658676147 38.64051453967314,
-90.28035521507263 38.640879071785584,
-90.28151392936705 38.64088326179908
"a_srs": "EPSG:4326",