I am trying to perform a 3D profile index as a function. For this, I need to slice the layers and calculate the point density for each sliced layer. I write a for loop;

The problem is




parts gives always an error. When I run as.raster I always get this error:

Error in UseMethod("as.raster") : 
  no applicable method for 'as.raster' (applied to an object of class "c ('LAS', 'Spatial')")

I tried raster() instead of as.raster() it works but I don't know what is the main difference.

I filter the points with filter_poi() . In this filter I specified z value, the points must be calculated lower than the next sliced layer and higher than the layer itself. Then I want to calculate the grid_density() it gives this error:

Error in validityMethod (object): invalid extent: xmin> = xmax
Additionally: Warning messages:
1: In min (x @ data $ X): No missing arguments for min; Returning inf
2: In max (x @ data $ X):
   No complete arguments for max; Returning inf
3: In min (x @ data $ Y): No missing arguments for min; Returning inf
4: In max (x @ data $ Y):
   No missing arguments for max; Returning inf

#set the parameters
sz=0.05 #slice size in meters
s=seq(0,2,sz) #number of layer 
k=seq(-1, 2.00,0.05) #correction factor (k)

las <- readLAS(x)
pt=grid_density(las,res=0.1) #pt is the total LiDAR points for all layers  
pt<-as.raster(pt) #convert to raster
crs(pt) <- "+proj=utm +zone=31 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"

# #make base layer, used to maintain the extent of the Pi raster layers

for (i in s){
  subset=filter_poi(las, Z>=i & Z<(i+sz))
  if (!is.null(subset)){
    setExtent(ras, ext=extent(base_layer),keepres = TRUE, snap = TRUE) # set extent to baselayer, otherwise the extent will be to small to be able to stack the rasters
  else { #used to insert empty raster if no points are within a given pi layer

1 Answer 1


I don't understand you problem because it is unclear and your question is messy. Why are you using as.raster on an object that is already a RasterLayer? Where the errors occurred? Which data did you used? So, I made an example that seems to be what you are looking for but without any explanation because I don't know what your problem is:


LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "Megaplot.laz", package="lidR")
las = readLAS(LASfile)

sz = 2 # slice size in meters
s = seq(0, 20, sz) # number of layer 

layout = grid_density(las, res = 4)
layout[] <- 0

density_rasters = vector("list", length(s))
for (i in seq_along(s))
  subset = filter_poi(las, Z >= s[i] & Z < (s[i]+sz))
  if (!is.empty(subset))
    density_rasters[[i]] = grid_density(subset, res = layout)
    density_rasters[[i]] = layout

density_rasters <- lapply(density_rasters, function(x) { extend(x, extent(layout))})
density_rasters <- stack(density_rasters)
names(density_rasters) <- paste0("Layer ", s)

enter image description here

  • I am sorry but I am pretty new in r even programming. Why are you using as.raster on an object that is already a RasterLayer? -because I wanted to create a base layer to use in the calculation. Where the errors occurred? -creating as.raster and applying grid density in function gives error which is written above. Which data did you used? I used las data which is already ground classified. @JRR
    – RS_girl
    Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 15:03
  • Please marked the question as answered (click on the checkmark) if it is the case. If not please edit your question to clarify where you are still struggled.
    – JRR
    Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 15:14
  • This code works without any problem! Just want to be sure, when I change the input to my las file, all the output rasters have min and max values as zero. Is that because of the input or should I tune anything?
    – RS_girl
    Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 15:23
  • 4
    I can't know. It depends on your data. If you used 5 cm slices on a 2-3 pt/m2 point cloud I'd say yes many slices are likely to be empty. But you can't ask if the output is correct without describing the input.
    – JRR
    Commented Feb 23, 2021 at 15:26

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