I am working on a script that will iterate through a grid and clip out polygons that lay within their respective grid cell. I am running into a CRS mismatch error exclaiming that my left and right CRS's do not match. I tired setting them with to_crs()
, but it changes my data type
to None
. My second issue that I run into is a No geometry data set yet (expected in column 'geometry'.)
Well that should be because I no longer have a dataframe (class Nonetype).
Any advice?
import geopandas
import shapefile
import rasterio
import glob
import pandas
save_name = 0
little_polygon_path = 'D:/data/shape_merge/'
little_polygon_extent = geopandas.read_file(little_polygon_path + 'little_polygon_merge.shp')
little_polygon_extent.to_crs(epsg=32610, inplace=True)
little_polygon = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(little_polygon)
big_shape_extent_path = 'D:/data/extents/'
big_shape = geopandas.read_file('D:/data/extents/big_polygon.shp')
big_shape.to_crs(epsg=32610, inplace=True)
big_shape = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(big_shape)
for each_shape in little_polygon_extent.iterrows():
df = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(each_shape[1])
clip_shape = geopandas.clip(df, big_shape)
xmin = clip_shape['geometry'].bounds['minx']
xmax = clip_shape['geometry'].bounds['maxx']
ymin = clip_shape['geometry'].bounds['miny']
ymax = clip_shape['geometry'].bounds['maxy']
p1 = ((xmin.iat[0]), (ymin.iat[0]))
p2 = ((xmax.iat[0]), (ymin.iat[0]))
p3 = ((xmax.iat[0]), (ymax.iat[0]))
p4 = ((xmin.iat[0]), (ymax.iat[0]))
shp_path = 'D:/data/clipped/'
w = shapefile.Writer(shp_path + str(save_name) + '.shp')
w.field("name", "C") # pyshp needs at least one field
w.poly([[p4, p3, p2, p1]]) # generate bbox polygon
# generate .PRJ file
tif_file = 'D:/farmer_32610.tif'
image = rasterio.open(tif_file)
crs_wkt = image.crs.to_wkt()
prj = open(shp_path + str(save_name) + '.prj', "w")
save_name = save_name + 1
root = 'D:/data/clipped/'
path = 'D:/data/clipped_merge/'
shapefiles = glob.glob(root + '/' + '/*.shp')
gdf = pandas.concat([
for shp in shapefiles
# gdf.crs = {'init': 'epsg:32610'}
gdf.to_file(path + '/' + 'clipped_merge.shp')
Error Output before using to_crs()
. After using to_crs()
the CRS issue is cleared, but the "geometry" column issue occurs.
D:\PycharmProjects\one.py:23: UserWarning: CRS mismatch between the CRS of left geometries and the CRS of right geometries.
Use `to_crs()` to reproject one of the input geometries to match the CRS of the other.
Left CRS: None
Right CRS: EPSG:32610
clip_shape = geopandas.clip(df, big_shape)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\PycharmProjects\one.py", line 23, in <module>
clip_shape = geopandas.clip(df, big_shape)
File "C:\Users\zlesl\anaconda3\envs\testing\lib\site-packages\geopandas\tools\clip.py", line 140, in clip
box_gdf = gdf.total_bounds
File "C:\Users\zlesl\anaconda3\envs\testing\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py", line 5462, in __getattr__
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
File "C:\Users\zlesl\anaconda3\envs\testing\lib\site-packages\geopandas\base.py", line 2577, in total_bounds
return GeometryArray(self.geometry.values).total_bounds
File "C:\Users\zlesl\anaconda3\envs\testing\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py", line 5462, in __getattr__
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
File "C:\Users\zlesl\anaconda3\envs\testing\lib\site-packages\geopandas\geodataframe.py", line 186, in _get_geometry
raise AttributeError(
AttributeError: No geometry data set yet (expected in column 'geometry'.)
Edits. Needed to add these two lines because the to_crs()
changes the data type to None
. When I print out little_polygon
and big_shape
, I get a geopandas data frame that is empty.
little_polygon = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(little_polygon)
big_shape = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(big_shape)
Edits 2. So it seems that the CRS mismatch
is actually a bug and can just be ignored. So I don't need to include the to_crs()
anymore. With the updated code below I still however get the geometries
error. little_polygon
and big_shape
are GeoDataFrames and calling head()
to them outputs a column containing the geometry. I'll keep trouble shooting. I also changed iterrows
to itertuples
because there are some problems with the geometry data being currupted.
little_polygon_path = 'D:/data/shape_merge/'
little_polygon_extent = geopandas.read_file(little_polygon_path + 'little_polygon_merge.shp')
big_shape_extent_path = 'D:/data/extents/'
big_shape = geopandas.read_file('D:/data/extents/big_polygon.shp')
for each_shape in little_polygon_extent.itertuples():
df = geopandas.GeoDataFrame(each_shape)
Edits 3. Using itertuples()
changes the data type to a pandas data frame. I was able to index out the geometry and tried creating my own GeoDataFrame though am running into a different error: tuple object has no attribute 'is_empty'
for each_shape in little_polygon_extent.itertuples():
new = Polygon(each_shape[2])
df = geopandas.GeoDataFrame({'geometry': [new.bounds]})
shape_clip = geopandas.clip(df, big_shape, keep_geom_type=True)
clip_shape = geopandas.clip(df, big_shape)
. So I am not even getting to those GeoDataFrames.to_crs()
lines. When I callto_crs()
. It changes my data type toNone type
. So I needed to turn it back into a GeoDataFrame. When I run the code now, my GeoDataFrames are empty.