I'm new to GIS and trying to obtain elevation data for a specific region, transformed to raster data with a custom cell size of 10 meters.
My first attempt was to download a TBDEM dataset from USGS via the CoNED Viewer's download tool, which I think represents elevation data for both sea floor and land (integrated bathymetric–topographic DEM), for the region I selected in the CoNED Viewer.
Within the downloaded zip I found a file .tiff.xml file describing it as "a 2 meter cell size dataset" and "seamless land elevation and water depth information" which sounds great.
Then there is a .tiff file (800 MB) as well as a Spatial_Metadata_2m.gdb file (2 MB), which I guess go hand in hand representing that data.
How would you go about extracting the elevation data from the .tiff file and transform it to a custom grid (or cell?) size of 10 meters, on a Mac?
Are there easier to use tools or APIs to get elevation raster data at custom scales for a specific region?
Purpose: Terrain generation for a simulation game, so it doesn't need to be highly precise.