I'm trying to ingest data using Landsat 8 Collection 2 Level 2 data into the Open Data Cube, but I couldn't find any examples for data preparation.
How do I index USGS Landsat Collection 2 datasets into the Open Data Cube?
I'm trying to ingest data using Landsat 8 Collection 2 Level 2 data into the Open Data Cube, but I couldn't find any examples for data preparation.
How do I index USGS Landsat Collection 2 datasets into the Open Data Cube?
You can now index USGS data into the Open Data Cube using the command line tool STAC API to DC
There are some notes on how to achieve indexing USGS Collection 2 data here.
A brief howto is as follows:
datacube product add https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opendatacube/datacube-dataset-config/main/products/lsX_c2l2_sr.yaml
to add the product definitionpip install odc_apps_dc_tools
stac-to-dc \
--catalog-href='https://landsatlook.usgs.gov/stac-server/' \
--rewrite-assets='https://landsatlook.usgs.gov/data/,s3://usgs-landsat/' \
--bbox='25,20,35,30' \
--collections='landsat-c2l2-sr' \
This should result in the following message:
Added 707 Datasets, failed 0 Datasets.
Note that in order to load data, you need to configure requester pays.
OpenDataCube can index and process LandSat Level 2 Collection 2 data via a STAC v0.7 to v1.0b upgrade and indexing from STAC. There is work in progress in Digital Earth Africa to implement this in an end-to-end fashion. You can follow along here : https://explorer.dev.digitalearth.africa/products/ls8_c2l2/extents
It shows bits of LANDSAT Collection2 Level2 data indexed in the Digital Earth Africa Datacube.
Feel free to join the ODC slack and as for more implementation details.