I am trying to export mapping and boundary data from QGIS into AutoCAD to use for concept drawings in South Australia. At my previous company, I would just set up the projection as WGS84, then set the project CRS to MGA Zone 53 or 54, and it would all look perfect, and it would export easily.
When I try to do that now, the maps either look utterly bizarre, or they are in totally the wrong coordinates (not just 'off' by a bit).
I would always tick the 'On The Fly' option in previous versions (using V3.10 now), and in fact I temporarily rolled back to version 2.18 purely to tick that box, but the result was the same.
I should be seeing coordinates around E:280,000 - N:6,120,000. Currently the best I can get them is to E:55,500,000 - N:-4,100,000, which is clearly wrong.
Is anyone able to shed some light on how to fix this, and to tell me how badly I understand projections?