I have produced a legend which includes both a label and description for each symbology. I would like the descriptions to align despite the label lengths differing between layers. In this example, "example 1" is part of a dataset which has much longer layer names, hence a wider gap. I have tried wrapping text but can't see a means of separating the label and description. I have also tried offsetting the description but this takes quite a lot of manual time to repeat and it seems like there must be a quicker and more efficient way of doing it.

legend where "xxx" denotes description

  • Are you using ArcGIS Pro or ArcMap?
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Mar 25, 2021 at 19:33
  • Are this separate layers?
    – FelixIP
    Commented Mar 26, 2021 at 3:56
  • I'm using ArcMap and yes they are separate layers
    – ynxblx
    Commented Mar 26, 2021 at 18:36

3 Answers 3


The only solution I've come up with for this problem over the years is to convert your legend the graphics, then rearrange the descriptions that way.


Make labels same length by adding space to the tail of short ones and apply any monospaced font, e.g. Courier:

enter image description here

The simplest way to do so is creating table with layer labels, populate new field using something like:


enter image description here

You can copy values from that field (right click on a cell) and paste them when changing (F2) layer label.


On the legend Layout tab, the text gap option controls the space between the label and the description.

In ArcMap 10.6, I am getting perfect alignment within and across layers for different length descriptions. I think you need to check that your description text symbol is set to Left alignment for the affected layers.

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