I want to convert longitude (151.209900
) and latitude (-33.865143
) into Australia related EPSG (4283
and 7844
) by using pyproj library.
I have tried:
from pyproj import CRS, Transformer
transformer = Transformer.from_crs('epsg:4326', 'epsg:4283')
# Output: proj=noop ellps=GRS80
# Sydney
x = 151.209900
y = -33.865143
point = transformer.transform(x, y)
# Output: (151.2099, -33.865143)
I get the same outputs with EPSG:7844
It seems that pyproj is able to recognize EPSG:4283
and EPSG:7844
but it just does not convert. I am using pyproj 3.0.0.post1
Could you tell me if it is possible to do such conversions? If not could you recommend a library for doing it?