Using the shapely bounding box function box, and a GeoDataFrameof points, I have extracted a bounding box and created a buffer around it (below gdf is a GeoDataFrameof points):


Now I check and see that bbox is a shapely polygon:


My goal is, from this shapely polygon, to create a 1-row GeoDataFramewith Polygon geometry. I know that I can get all the coordinates that make up this polygon with:


This returns the list of coordinates from a coordinate sequence object which looks like this:

[(151.20138500000007, -43.787852999999984),
 (-151.40006999399998, -43.787852999999984),
 (-151.89015569564776, -43.76377663336097),
 (-152.3755216040806, -43.69177940201614),
 (-152.85149338027227, -43.57255467866103)]

However, I cannot seem to figure out how to convert these pairs of coordinates into a GeoDataFrame. I have tried:

crs = {'init': 'epsg:4326'}
polygon = gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=[0], crs=crs, geometry=[*bbox.exterior.coords]) 

which returns the error:

TypeError: Input must be valid geometry objects: (151.20138500000007, -43.787852999999984)

How, then, does one make these coordinate pair tuples into valid geometry objects for a GeoDataFrame?

1 Answer 1

  • Make a shapely polygon geometry from coordinate pairs.
  • Pass the polygon to GeoDataFrame constructor as a list.
    import geopandas as gpd
    from shapely.geometry import Polygon
    coords = [(151.20138500000007, -43.787852999999984),
              (-151.40006999399998, -43.787852999999984),
              (-151.89015569564776, -43.76377663336097),
              (-152.3755216040806, -43.69177940201614),
              (-152.85149338027227, -43.57255467866103)]
    polygon = Polygon(coords)
    gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(index=[0], crs='epsg:4326', geometry=[polygon])
    # OUTPUT
    #                                             geometry
    # 0  POLYGON ((151.20139 -43.78785, -151.40007 -43....

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