Your question is complex but luckily has an answer. For future readers I copy here (parts of) the answer I gave you on SO but that is lost in the sea in absence of appropriated tags on SO.
The problem of point_metrics()
is that it calls user's R code millions of times making back and forth between R and C++. This have a cost. Moreover it cannot be safely multi-threaded. The function is good for prototyping but for production you must write your own code. For example you can reproduce the function segment_shape()
with point_metrics()
but segment_shape()
is pure C++ and multi-threaded and is often an order of magnitude faster. In absence of native C++ function in lidR you must write your own C++ code.
The good new is that I'm currently (2021-05-06) working on a native C++ eigen_decomposition()
function that will likely be added in lidR 3.2.0. The other good new is that R and lidR provide every tools you need to create your own C++ function exactly like the one we can create in lidR. In the following is a simplified (and standalone) version of the eigen_decomposition()
C++ function I'm currently working on. Some features are missing such as progress estimation, user abortion, on-the-fly subset computation, max radius search and so on.
I'm not going through details. Rcpp
has its own book, RcppArmadillo
is for linear algebra and lidR
spatial indexing C++ API is described in the book, opemmp
is for multi-threading. You can create a file named eigen_decomposition.cpp
// [[Rcpp::depends(lidR)]]
// [[Rcpp::depends(RcppArmadillo)]]
// [[Rcpp::plugins(openmp)]]
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <SpatialIndex.h>
using namespace Rcpp;
using namespace lidR;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix eigen_decomposition(S4 las, int k, int ncpu = 1)
DataFrame data = as<DataFrame>(las.slot("data"));
NumericVector X = data["X"];
NumericVector Y = data["Y"];
NumericVector Z = data["Z"];
int npoints = X.size();
NumericMatrix out(npoints, 3);
SpatialIndex index(las);
#pragma omp parallel for num_threads(ncpu)
for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < npoints ; i++)
arma::mat A(k,3);
arma::mat coeff; // Principle component matrix
arma::mat score;
arma::vec latent; // Eigenvalues in descending order
PointXYZ p(X[i], Y[i], Z[i]);
std::vector<PointXYZ> pts;
index.knn(p, k, pts);
for (unsigned int j = 0 ; j < pts.size() ; j++)
A(j,0) = pts[j].x;
A(j,1) = pts[j].y;
A(j,2) = pts[j].z;
arma::princomp(coeff, score, latent, A);
#pragma omp critical
out(i, 0) = latent[0];
out(i, 1) = latent[1];
out(i, 2) = latent[2];
return out;
Then in R
Lets benchmark it on ALS data. We can see with 4 cores it is 10-fold faster.
LASfile <- system.file("extdata", "Megaplot.laz", package="lidR")
las <- readLAS(LASfile)
u1 = eigen_decomposition(las, 10, 1),
u2 = eigen_decomposition(las, 10, 4),
u3 = point_metrics(las, .stdshapemetrics, k = 10),
times = 3)
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> u1 749.5519 755.0064 780.7645 760.4609 796.3708 832.2807 3
#> u2 339.2228 339.8316 342.9141 340.4403 344.7597 349.0792 3
#> u3 3173.9732 3188.8633 3370.6251 3203.7533 3468.9511 3734.1488 3
Last but not least, your are working with TLS not ALS. Again it is important to read the documentation(help("lidR-spatial-index")
, book chapter). To make it simple you can use readTLSLAS()
to say "hey! it is TLS data, please use appropriated spatial index." Lets benchmark it. We found a 7-fold speed-up. Not bad. It could be more, it it could be less, it depends on the point cloud.
file <- system.file("extdata", "pine_plot.laz", package="TreeLS")
als <- readLAS(file, select='xyz')
tls <- readTLSLAS(file, select='xyz')
u1 = eigen_decomposition(als, 10, 4),
u2 = eigen_decomposition(tls, 10, 4),
u3 = point_metrics(als, .stdshapemetrics, k = 10),
u4 = point_metrics(tls, .stdshapemetrics, k = 10),
times = 3)
#> expr min lq mean median uq max neval
#> u1 1373.9824 1394.448 1462.4316 1414.914 1506.656 1598.398 3
#> u2 693.2717 864.446 929.9681 1035.620 1048.316 1061.012 3
#> u3 6441.4701 6564.546 6971.8443 6687.621 7237.031 7786.441 3
#> u4 4792.9041 5118.473 5444.4808 5444.041 5770.269 6096.497 3
To finish lets check that both eigen_decomposition()
and .stdshapemetrics
return the same (not exactly because .stdshapemetrics
returns more metrics).
#> [1] 8.186695e-04 6.370588e-04 3.090013e-05
#> [1] 8.186695e-04 6.370588e-04 3.090013e-05