For my final project, I would like to assess the earthquake risk of populated areas in California. For this I have two multipolygon layers containing data for Earthquakes, and populated areas respectively - named Earthquakes
and CA_pop
For each earthquake, a buffer zone describing its area of effect has been calculated.
In the field calculator for the CA_pop
layer, I am trying to calculate a risk, which is determined by the number of historical earthquakes hitting the populated area. For each earthquake, I would like to take its magnitude (a field in the Earthquake layer) and multiply it by the population density of the area, then sum all of this up.
So far I have managed to find the number of Earthquakes intersecting with each populated area, and from these get the magnitude of the earthquakes in an array by doing the following: overlay_intersects(layer:='Earthquake', expression:=attribute("mag"))
A preview of this could look like:
Essentially, for this particular preview, I would like to do the following:
10^(6.7)*pop_dens + 10^(7.5)*pop_dens + 10^(7.93)*pop_dens + 10^(7.5)*pop_dens
to the power of, due to it being the Richter scale, and where the pop_dens is the population density of the given feature.
From here, I have however now been stuck for a while, and nothing I have tried seems to work. I feel like it is quite straight forward, but my inexperience in QGIS makes it a bit challenging.