I am on windows 10, using QGIS 3.18.
I have a shapefile with multiple entries (polygons) and a raster with a few pixel values. I would like to use a "select by ... " to select the entries within the '.shp' that intersect with specific pixel values.
For example, try answering the question: Which entries (lines in my attribute table) intersect with "1"s in raster 'raster_name'
(raster with 0 and 1s). In example 2, how to do the same but with rasters with a few different values (let's say 1 to 10) when I would like to 'select by ...' intersect with pixels with values equals '9'.
I got as far as:
'select by expression'
intersects($geometry, layer_property('raster_name', 'extent'))
With that, I could select every entry that intersects with a raster extent.
I also tried:
intersects($geometry, raster_name@band = value)
And it did not cam as a valid expression.