I've been trying to find a way to automatically distribute icons and labels from different data sources so that they don't cover each other at any scale.
The PDF will have the data showing at this scale and so I can't just reduce the size of the icon or it won't be visible.
Issue 1 - this label should move to the left to not cover the icons.
Issue 2 -these icons should automatically distribute with an arrow rather than be on top of each other.
The settings I have for 1 are basically
I know this can be done with the label move options to an xy position but then when the map zoom level changes this would get affected and we need to print at different scales.
The settings for 2 are basically
I would like this to look like the following which is the layout exported as SVG and then edited in Inkscape
Is there a geometry generator code that would automatically distribute the icons and add an arrow (from the closest vertex) to indicate where it's supposed to be?
Another solution could be if there is a way to just move labels and objects in the print composer without impacting the placement in the map.
Here's an example of what Solution 1 for the icon issue from Corentin Lemaitre looks like