I am new to Google Earth Engine code.
Currently, I have code that runs various functions (NVDI, greenness index from Landsat data) for a single state, but for several years (using a 'for' loop for the years) - it generates a NDVI and other factors for 1997, 1998,...2019. I run one state, change the name, and run it again. That's cumbersome, and since I have many states to do, so I'm hoping to automate it.
example of current code:
var startYr = 1997;
var endYr = 2019;
var roiName = 'TN'
var states = ee.FeatureCollection('my_assets/myshapefile'); // shapefile with states
var roi = ee.Feature(states.filter(ee.Filter.eq('STUSPS',roiName)).first()); // State for ROI
for (var yr = startYr; yr <= endYr; yr=yr+1){
blah blah blah function to calculate Landsat band metrics for the roi for each year blah blah blah
Now I want to run this but not have to change the code for each state I want to run.
So I have a list of roi's:
var states = ee.FeatureCollection('my_assets/cb_2018_CONUS_500k'); shapefile with all U.S. states
var filtered = ee.Filter.inList('STUSPS', ['AR','MS','LA','MO','TN']); //list of states to process
I guess I'm stuck on how to "properly" do the 'for' loop alternative for the list of roi's.
I've snipped a bunch of the code out so hopefully this makes enough sense.