I am trying to sample a large image and I only want to keep points that fall within a water mask.

I can successfully sample small numbers of points by using a mask, but the algorithm chokes at larger numbers of pixels. This is surprising because I specify the numPixels argument as a large number, but the resultant featurecollection only consists of a small number of points.

Here is my .sample() call with the masking operation:

var water_mask = ee.Image("JRC/GSW1_3/GlobalSurfaceWater")

var montana = ee.FeatureCollection("TIGER/2018/States")

var my_img = img1.addBands(img2).mask(water_mask)

// Call to .sample()
var samples = my_img.sample({'region':montana,
// Even though numPixels is specified as 500, the size of 'samples' is only 7

This behavior is synonymous to sampling an unmasked image and filtering the resultant featurecollection by the mask.

For example,

// First add the water_mask bands to the image, so that they can be sampled
var synonymous = my_img.addBands(water_mask)

                 // Sample masked image - note numPixels
                 // Filter feature collection by condition

// This results in only 7 points as well

Is there a more efficient way to do this operation?

Here is a link to my code: https://code.earthengine.google.com/195b11ed5981b695bfe9bbe2da41acac


1 Answer 1


The docs for sample() explicitly state:

Note that the default behavior is to drop features that intersect masked pixels, which result in null-valued properties.

Even though you've only got 1 class, what you're trying to do is a stratified sampling, so use stratifiedSample.

var samples = lst.addBands(water_mask)
                  numPoints: 500,
                  classBand: 'is_water',
                  region: montana,
                  projection: "EPSG:4326",
                  scale :30

Note that Montana at 30m is pretty big (422 million pixels), so you might have to do this with an export.

Also, don't clip; you're already using the geometry for a region, so clipping the images wastes time/memory.

  • Does this approach have vastly different memory constraints than .sample()? I am unable to sample even 1 point from this image / area combination due to time out, and I would prefer not to use a conventional export because I have been using the python API to get around timeout errors. Commented May 28, 2021 at 19:49
  • 1
    Not memory. But the only way to get exactly X points is to compute all the pixels to figure out which ones aren't masked in the final result, then sample the final result. Otherwise, if you select X then compute the values for them (as sample() does), then some might end up being masked and you get less than N. The other option is to generate a lot more than N random points and hope that at least of them aren't masked. Potentially faster, but you won't know how big to make N, in order to get X. Commented May 29, 2021 at 12:37

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