I am trying to sample a large image and I only want to keep points that fall within a water mask.
I can successfully sample small numbers of points by using a mask, but the algorithm chokes at larger numbers of pixels. This is surprising because I specify the numPixels
argument as a large number, but the resultant featurecollection
only consists of a small number of points.
Here is my .sample()
call with the masking operation:
var water_mask = ee.Image("JRC/GSW1_3/GlobalSurfaceWater")
var montana = ee.FeatureCollection("TIGER/2018/States")
var my_img = img1.addBands(img2).mask(water_mask)
// Call to .sample()
var samples = my_img.sample({'region':montana,
// Even though numPixels is specified as 500, the size of 'samples' is only 7
This behavior is synonymous to sampling an unmasked image and filtering the resultant featurecollection
by the mask.
For example,
// First add the water_mask bands to the image, so that they can be sampled
var synonymous = my_img.addBands(water_mask)
// Sample masked image - note numPixels
// Filter feature collection by condition
// This results in only 7 points as well
Is there a more efficient way to do this operation?
Here is a link to my code: https://code.earthengine.google.com/195b11ed5981b695bfe9bbe2da41acac