I don't find a way to see the 11 points of my set of data that are just meters from each other as separate points in GeoServer and I don't know why. I would have assumed that GeoServer finds the correct resolution through calculating the boundary box but that doesn't seem to help. Maybe you can reproduce it given the following information:
I have the following table in PostgreSQL 13.2 with PostGIS 3.1 (currently on windows 10 but setting up a linux server to move to that)
Tabelle ╗public.samplepoints½
Spalte | Typ | Sortierfolge | NULL erlaubt? | Vorgabewert
sampleid | integer | | not null |
sampletag | smallint | | |
sampletype | smallint | | |
samplegeom | geometry(Point,3035) | | |
"treesamples_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sampleid)
with the following data:
sampleid | sampletag | sampletype | samplegeom
1 | 20523 | 949 | 0101000020DB0B0000EF8DAD60850123409ECB585D1C7A4940
8 | 20530 | 949 | 0101000020DB0B00008DC19DA4AD0123407C4B488A197A4940
2 | 20524 | 837 | 0101000020DB0B000057BB699C8D012340FC7DBFCB1E7A4940
3 | 20525 | 949 | 0101000020DB0B0000E86C4F7985012340F84EED881A7A4940
4 | 20526 | 188 | 0101000020DB0B0000825218C28F012340F211BC171B7A4940
5 | 20527 | 356 | 0101000020DB0B0000EC2ED81E99012340BF414BBC1B7A4940
6 | 20528 | 578 | 0101000020DB0B0000F8CFA08F9C0123406BF6A09D1C7A4940
7 | 20529 | 554 | 0101000020DB0B00005B4CFA9FA60123400D74F77D1B7A4940
9 | 20531 | 578 | 0101000020DB0B00007574EB5CA90123401EED730D177A4940
10 | 20532 | 239 | 0101000020DB0B000072F269319B012340B350770D167A4940
11 | 20533 | 748 | 0101000020DB0B0000B38462578D012340EB350836187A4940
Then I create a workspace "sampleworkspace" in GeoServer and a store "samplestore" with access to PostGIS. Finally, I create a layer from sampleworkspace:samplestore in which I publish samplepoints from PostGIS. I keep the referencing system as EPSG 3035 and let the layer's bounding boxes be calculated from the data which results in
Min X | Min Y | Max X | Max Y
9,5029707157 | 50,953797992 | 9,5032779162 | 50,954064816
Min X | Min Y | Max X | Max Y
-29,08689230212812 | 12,994046968698024 | -29,08689229881456 | 12,994046972307304
So my 11 points are very close to each other.
A preview of the layer as OpenLayers only shows me one point and the scale is set to 1:2 which means I cannot zoom in any closer, only zoom out further. When I click on that one point, it gives me all 11 points: samplepoints
fid | sampletag | sampletype
samplepoints.1 | 20523 | 949
samplepoints.8 | 20530 | 949
samplepoints.2 | 20524 | 837
samplepoints.3 | 20525 | 949
samplepoints.4 | 20526 | 188
samplepoints.5 | 20527 | 356
samplepoints.6 | 20528 | 578
samplepoints.7 | 20529 | 554
samplepoints.9 | 20531 | 578
samplepoints.10 | 20532 | 239
samplepoints.11 | 20533 | 748
Is there any way to see the 11 points as separated points, so to go "beyond 1:2" or to adjust the scaling in a different way?