Hi I made classification map which you can see below. Because the original map had text in it and some borders etc that I didn't want to be included in the new map, these got their own class and afterwards I changed all pixels with this class to NULL (missing). It doesn't look that good though, because the map has many holes as you can see, and I want to fill these holes by the other classes. The best option would be to fill it with the most common neighbouring class or something, but I can't find this option anywhere. The methods should replace the missing pixels by an existing class and not calculate new values for the pixels.
I tried the method Close gaps with stepwise resampling
with the nearest neighbour option, but this gave a very weird result as you can see below as well. Basically it created new random clumps of cells in areas that had no missing data before (like around the orange class). Additionally, it filled the long and thin missing value areas with many seperate pixels of different classes etc. Anybody know why this is happening and anybody know a solution?
I don't want to use the Fill gap
tool because it can't replace with a class...it will calculate new values for missing pixels.