Since I am currently developing a QGIS Plugin that uses an external python library (Scikit-image), I was wondering, if there is a list of python libraries that come preinstalled with a standard QGIS installation?
(I know how to install additional libraries (See: Installing external python packages for QGIS 3?), but it would be nice, if the user of the plugin does not have to handle the installation of additional libraries. I mean I could also try to automatically install or include them, as described here: Development of a plugin which depends on an external Python library, but to know, what is available would be good to know.)
I did not find such a list yet and since I run a OSGeo4W advanced installed QGIS 3.16 version on Windows 10, that I customized, I am not able to answer this question because I already installed a lot of additional libraries myself.
Otherwise I could just check the folder containing the libraries, which is in my case this one: C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\Python37\Lib\site-packages
In Windows, I can list the plugin folders this way: In cmd prompt change to this directory using
cd C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\Python37\Lib\site-packages
then get the list of the containing folders with the command:
C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\Python37\Lib\site-packages>dir /a:d /b
Interesting would be to know, if rasterio or xarray / rioxarray are preinstalled libraries or not.
[name for name, plugin in installer_data.plugins.mPlugins.items() if plugin['readonly']]
and the others[name for name, plugin in installer_data.plugins.mPlugins.items() if not plugin['readonly']]
whereas when you mentionScikit-image
, it's a 3rd party Python library.