I have configured a WMS service through the GeoServer web UI using a ImageMosaic store. The store points to a directory inside the data directory that contains a bunch of GeoTIFFs. When I point QGIS to the WMS service, the rasters are not displayed. Looking through the logs (currently set to verbose) I see the following message:

WARN [shapefile.shp] - Could not open the .shx file, continuing assuming the .shp file is not sparse
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/local/geoserver/myimagery/mymosaic.shx (No such file or directory)

I can confirm that the service is responding by hitting it with Postman, but it is just responding with an empty image. I can see the getMap request in the logs, but the response is not correct based on the input GeoTIFFs

1 Answer 1


This sort of problem is usually caused by the user running GeoServer (tomcat?) not having write permissions to the data directory so that it can make the shapefile. Though in your case it seems to have made part of the files (.shp) but not the .shx file which might mean it is a problem with disk capacity.

In general it is bad practice to store data inside the "data" directory (which should really be known as the "config" directory.

  • Thanks Ian! The "data" directory is a mounted Azure disk share and should have unlimited storage capacity. The disk is mounted on the pod with read-write access, so I'm certain that the process can write whatever it wants. I had originally mounted the imagery disk to /imagery, but when creating a imagemosaic, there were more errors. Instead, the directory is mounted to /var/local/geoserver as per the oscarfonts/geoserver default data dir. Commented Jun 18, 2021 at 18:23
  • so, does /var/local/geoserver/myimagery/mymosaic.shx exist or not?
    – Ian Turton
    Commented Jun 18, 2021 at 19:17

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