I was using a Google Earth Engine(GEE) account and the corresponding Google Drive storage was very less for me.I extended the drive storage for my another Google account and activated GEE for that account. I had lots of data within different assets of previous account. For transferring them I'm following these procedure:

  1. Share each asset with my second account.
  2. Using ee.Image()/ee.FeatureCollection() etc. Is there any way to transfer an entire Assets at a time rather than transferring each files within it one by one?

2 Answers 2


Yes, one way is to use the earthengine python API. First create a new folder through the code editor for your destination folder.

Then you can run this peace of code in a jupyter notebook (or colab)

import ee

# folder from where to copy
src_folder = "projects/earthengine-legacy/assets/users/username/old_folder"
# folder where to copy
dest_folder = "projects/earthengine-legacy/assets/users/username/new_folder"

# get all assets in the folder
assets = ee.data.listAssets({'parent': src_folder})

# loop through assets and copy them one by one to the new destination
for asset in assets['assets']:
    # construct destination path
    new_asset = dest_folder + '/' + asset['id'].split('/')[-1]
    # copy to destination
    ee.data.copyAsset(asset['id'], new_asset, True)
    # delete source asset

I wasn't very satsfied by the vanilla method provided in the ee.data module so I coded it in geetools plugin lib.

Using the Asset object, on can call the move methods directly from a folder and define a destination. All the children will be moved as well and deleted from the source location. It work recursively for any tree depth:

import ee, geetools

src = ee.Asset("projects/bar/assets/foo")
dst = ee.Asset("projects/bar/assets/new_foo")

See more information in Asset documentation page.

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