I'm looking for a way to use the PBF format from an ArcGIS Online FeatureServer in Leaflet.
There are lots of examples using L.vectorGrid.protobuf with URLs for PBF tiles structured like {z}/{x}/{y}.pbf but as I'm hoping to use a FeatureServer to accesses this data, these examples will not work for me.
I haven't found an example of how to do this and am hoping you can help. Here's the Esri Map using PBF from a FeatureServer I'm hoping to use. And here's an example API call from the Esri Map using PBF
How can I address this challenge?
+ `geometry={"xmin":${extent[0]},"ymin":${extent[1]},"xmax":${extent[2]},"ymax":${ extent[3]</code>) Thanks for your continued support.