How do I add multiple layers to the leaflet map.
I have added the overlay_tile to the tilelayer but nothing happens.
tilelayer = L.tileLayer(url_tile,overlay_tile, {noWrap....
My example can only have one tile at a time. When I add multiple tiles to the tileLayer nothing happens.
What I have Leaflet Example What I am trying to achieve. NASA Example
var url_tile='https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png';
var overlay_tile='//{z}/{y}/{x}.png';
var map ='map', {editable: true}).setView(startPoint, 2),
tilelayer = L.tileLayer(url_tile,
{ noWrap: true,
maxZoom: 20, attribution: 'Data \u00a9 <a href=""> OpenStreetMap Contributors </a> Tiles \u00a9 HOT'