I have an reclassify a slope in the, and I have points(ee_kaski) with lat,lng . I want to extract value of the reclassify slope value where this points lies on it. I have tried this using Python API.
My code is:
Map = geemap.Map(center=(28.2622,84.0167), zoom=12)
location = "users/landsatpractise/Kaski"
ee_kaski = ee.FeatureCollection(location)
#dem image
image = ee.Image("USGS/SRTMGL1_003")
slopesmrt = ee.Terrain.slope(image).clip(ee_kaski)
slopereclass = ee.Image(1) \
.where(slopesmrt.gt(0).And(slopesmrt.lte(7)), 9) \
.where(slopesmrt.gt(7).And(slopesmrt.lte(15)), 6) \
.where(slopesmrt.gt(15).And(slopesmrt.lte(22)), 4)
SlpopeViz = {'palette': ['ecd3f5', 'bf72db','a333cc','4a0463']}
fire_data = ee.FeatureCollection("users/landsatpractise/fire_location_required")