At 3.18.3, I am working with a standalone Geopackage attribute table containing data for a threatened bird species who are nesting in bird boxes.

The nesting boxes are periodically checked and the number of observed eggs are recorded. The data table looks like this:

box_id, observation_date, number_of_eggs:

1, 2021-05-17, 1
1, 2021-06-13, 0
2, 2021-05-17, 0
3, 2021-05-17, 1
3, 2021-06-09, NULL
3, 2021-06-13, 3

For each box_id I need to select the one record that contains the greatest number of eggs ever observed. Records with lesser, zero, or NULL egg values are to be ignored. If a box never had any eggs, it is likewise ignored.

In other words, did a given nest box produce eggs, and if so, what was the greatest number of eggs ever observed?

Using maximum("number_of_eggs",group_by:= "box_id") within Select by Expression, this is what I desire and expect (selected records are bolded):

1, 2021-05-17, 1
1, 2021-06-13, 0
2, 2021-05-17, 0
3, 2021-05-17, 1
3, 2021-06-09, NULL
3, 2021-06-13, 3

But this is what I see:

1, 2021-05-17, 1
1, 2021-06-13, 0
2, 2021-05-17, 0
3, 2021-05-17, 1
3, 2021-06-09, NULL
3, 2021-06-13, 3

It appears that the function is selecting all records for a given box_id, if that box_id ever contained one or more eggs.

How can I modify the expression to select just the single record with the maximum number of eggs for each box_id?

  • Are you applying that filter expression to "number_of_eggs" or "box_id"?
    – M Bain
    Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 2:07
  • @MBain you may be on to something. But assuming that a filter expression would solve the problem, I do not know how to use the one associated with the maximum function. The accompanying statement says that filter = optional expression to use to filter features used to calculate aggregate. But what does that obtuse statement mean? I cannot find any instructions regarding how to use such a filter, or what it would look like...
    – Stu Smith
    Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 3:45
  • I didn't mean the filter inside the aggregate function - I just meant the overall "Select by expression"/Advanced Filter. I think the Advanced filter expression should be: "number_of_eggs" = maximum("number_of_eggs",group_by:= "box_id"). At the moment its looks to me like the filter is selecting any rows where the box_id happens to equal the maximum number of eggs, ie the filter is set to "box_id" = maximum("number_of_eggs",group_by:= "box_id") - thats why box 2 is not picked up by the filter 2 != 0
    – M Bain
    Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 3:47
  • 1
    Oh gosh, you are correct, and I feel pretty stupid! Thanks for your help, and please convert your comment to an answer so that I can credit you. FWIW, to exclude the zero values, I modified the expression to this: "number_of_eggs" > 0 and "number_of_eggs" = maximum("number_of_eggs",group_by:= "box_id")
    – Stu Smith
    Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 4:30
  • Heh! We've all been there. :P
    – M Bain
    Commented Jun 29, 2021 at 4:42

1 Answer 1


I think the Advanced filter expression should be:
"number_of_eggs" = maximum("number_of_eggs",group_by:= "box_id")

At the moment its looks to me like the filter is selecting any rows where the box_id happens to equal the maximum number of eggs, ie the filter is set to "box_id" = maximum("number_of_eggs",group_by:= "box_id") - thats why box 2 is not picked up by the filter, 2 != 0

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