I have a vector layer that contains multiple attributes that I want to export as individual GPX files. In this instance, the "Save Features As" option exports all of these attributes as 1 GPX file that includes all the attributes. However, I need multiple gpx files that contain one attribute per file.

I try to use the Split Vector Layer tool/script but when I export to GPX (using the bulk processing) I get the result that the split failed because I need to turn on the GPX extensions.

Error Message: Creation of field id failed(OGR error: Field of name 'id' is not supported in GPX schema. Use GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS creation option to allow us of the element.)

How can I turn on the ability to use GPX extensions when using this script?

Image below for reference.

enter image description here

  • Welcome to GIS SE. As a new user, please take the Tour. Please Edit the question to contain the error message as text -- images may not be legible on all devices, and their text can't be searched by others looking to find this Question.
    – Vince
    Commented Jun 30, 2021 at 19:14
  • 1
    Split Vector Layer only saving geopackage > github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/29522
    – Mapperz
    Commented Jun 30, 2021 at 19:21
  • You might get some ideas here: gis.stackexchange.com/questions/40731/….
    – John
    Commented Mar 23, 2023 at 13:51

1 Answer 1


I would go the alternative way using GDAL to do some scripting. Be aware I'm using bash because working on a Linux machine. I suppose you can do something similar on Windows machine with enough Powershell knowledge (to remove first line in CSV, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2074271/remove-top-line-of-text-file-with-powershell)

# Get unique list to CSV file
ogr2ogr -f CSV out.csv input.shp -sql "SELECT unique_colum FROM input"
# tail is to remove header first line
# Then, we loop other each unique_column value to generate each GPX file
for i in $(tail -n +2 out.csv);
  do ogr2ogr -f GPX  -dsco GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS=YES "output_"$i".gpx" -sql "SELECT * FROM input WHERE unique_colum = '"$i"'";

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