Question: Why won't image reduce region accept either a scale or a reprojection, in most of my cases but not all.

Context: I'm trying to find if a landsat pixel has any cloud (based on SimpleCloudScore) and then if no cloud I will extract the other bands to csv, I know this is intensive and slow but will only be done for a few select pixels. The errors may be something to do with the region being a point but it has worked for some of the points.

def arethereclouds(image):
    image_cloud = image.select('cloud')
    total_cloud = image_cloud.reduceRegion(**{
        'reducer': ee.Reducer.sum(), 
        'geometry': eefeature_point,
        'maxPixels': 100000,
        'scale': 30,
    im = ee.Algorithms.If(ee.Number(total_cloud.get('cloud')).gt(1), ee.Image.constant(-999).rename('extraction_band'), image)
    return im 

I started with the error "EEException: Image.reduceRegions: The default WGS84 projection is invalid for aggregations. Specify a scale or crs & crs_transform." for some, not all of the features I've tried

So I added

 'crs': 'EPSG:3857' , 

to the reducer, resulting in the error "EEException: ImageCollection.toBands: Error in map(ID=LC08_186029_20130505): Image.reduceRegion: Cannot specify both crsTransform and scale."

But when I remove scale from the reducer, we go the full circle back to the original EEexception?

Efforts to fix it I've tried:

  • adding a buffer to the feature to see if it was some issue there
  • different EPSGs
  • different scales

1 Answer 1


Here's a complete, runnable example that completes without error. If you're getting errors with different input, the problem might be there. But you haven't provided any information on it.

import ee


image = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR/LC08_194053_20201124').select(['B1'], ['cloud'])
eefeature_point = image.geometry().centroid()

def arethereclouds(image):
    image_cloud = image.select('cloud')
    total_cloud = image_cloud.reduceRegion(
    im = ee.Algorithms.If(ee.Number(total_cloud.get('cloud')).gt(1), ee.Image.constant(-999).rename('extraction_band'), image)
    return im 


This outputs

{'type': 'Image',
 'bands': [{'id': 'extraction_band',
   'data_type': {'type': 'PixelType',
    'precision': 'int',
    'min': -999,
    'max': -999},
   'crs': 'EPSG:4326',
   'crs_transform': [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]}]}
  • Thanks, but that still results in the same errors.
    – svollowork
    Commented Jul 7, 2021 at 16:49
  • I updated my answer. Commented Jul 7, 2021 at 16:59

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