To add AdressIDs from a point feature layer to noise immission point features (Target, green points)), I need to spatially join immission points (IPs) to addresses (Join Features, red points). The adresses need to share an ID with the (IPs) and be the closest at the same time, because:
- Joining only based on the shared ID (building ID) will result in faulty joins, since several addressess can have the same ID if a building (blue) has more than one address.
- Joining based only on the spatial relationship will result in faulty joins, since IPs might be closer to addressess of neighbouring buildings, thus joining with those.
So I need to combine both the spatial and attribute-based join. I found the tool "Join Features (GeoAnalytics)" in this ESRI community thread and it seems perfect. But the tool does not allow for "closest" (The feature in the join features that is closest to a target feature is matched) as match option. However, other any options would, again, result in faulty joins. E.g. "Near" would assign multiple addresses (including different AdressIDs) to IPs with the same building ID. I need "closest" in order to get one unambiguous AdressID per IP.
Can you help me with that challenge?