I am going through thousands and thousands of road lines and giving them a value based on QC with imagery. So for instance for the add_data field I give it one of these five numbers:
- 0 = not examined
- 1 = include
- 2 = consider excluding
- 3 = exclude
- 4 = DC
But for each of these I also need to fill out comments and type of road data. So I was wondering if there is a way to calculate the comment and other fields based on the add_value field? So maybe it might look like this for the add data:
"1" = "include" comment = looks good RD_Typ = Major Road.
"2" = "include" comment = looks good RD_Typ = Dirt Road.
"3" = "include" comment = Joined data to other data RD_Typ = Major Road.
"4" = "include" comment = Joined data to other data = Dirt Road.
..... and so on you get the point. So the question is can I calculate the other fields based on the number I calculate in the add data field. I know I could do this with a join and then calc field but that just does not seem to be as much fun.