I want to calculate the time series of the NDVI with Sentinel-2 of a specific area of Australia.
I started from this code:
Time series analysis of NDVI using Google Earth Engine
Substituting Landsat with Sentinel and modifying the data extraction start date.
//Importing image and geometry:
var l8 = ee.ImageCollection("COPERNICUS/S2")
var geometry = //Graigzone
[[[147.232246, -25.695369],
[147.230186, -25.654525],
[147.173195, -25.627907],
[147.353439, -25.648645],
[147.347946, -25.686707],
[147.389145, -25.623573],
[147.398758, -25.622954],
[147.398758, -25.682994],
[147.438583, -25.692894],
[147.431717, -25.702794],
[147.408371, -25.699082],
[147.374039, -25.725684],
[147.298164, -25.747023],
[147.275848, -25.75228],
[147.256622, -25.762793],
[147.259369, -25.772687],
[147.384338, -25.835123],
[147.393265, -25.859841],
[147.345886, -25.934582],
[147.288208, -25.931495],
[147.275848, -25.856752],
[147.240829, -25.789072],
[147.23774, -25.763103],
[147.221947, -25.755372],
[147.232246, -25.695369]]], null, false);
//Filtering date, polygon, and cloudiness
var image = l8.filterDate ('2016-01-01', '2021-07-26')
.filterBounds (geometry)
//.filterMetadata ('CLOUD_COVER', 'less_than', 20);
//NDVI calculation:
var ndvi_func = function (i) {
var ndvi = i.normalizedDifference (['B8', 'B4']).rename ('NDVI')
return i.addBands(ndvi);
var image_ndvi = image.map(ndvi_func);
//Calculating year wise NDVI
var year = ee.List.sequence(2015,2021);
var year_func = function(y){
var range = ee.Filter.calendarRange (y, y, 'year');
return image_ndvi.select('NDVI').filter(range).median().set ('Year', y)
var yearwise_ndvi = ee.ImageCollection(year.map(year_func));
print (yearwise_ndvi);
Map.addLayer (yearwise_ndvi)
//Creating time-series chart:
var chart = ui.Chart.image.series ({
imageCollection: yearwise_ndvi,
region: geometry,
reducer: ee.Reducer.median(),
scale: 10,
xProperty: 'Year'
}).setOptions ({title: "NDVI over time",
hAxis: {title: 'Time of the year', format: 'year'}
The Error I get is : Error generating chart: Invalid JSON:
What is wrong with the code?