In ArcGIS you can do this with Data Reviewer > Create Polygon Grid Wizard. Is there an equivalent tool on Earth Engine?

I'm hoping to repeat a function over each square kilometer to create a density map, and need a polygon grid to do so.

1 Answer 1


See this article: https://medium.com/google-earth/random-samples-with-buffering-6c8737384f8c

var proj = ee.Projection("EPSG:4326").scale(1/120, 1/120)
var cells = ee.Image.random().multiply(1000000).int().reproject(proj)

Then you can use that layer as a label band in reduceConnectedComponents to do whatever per-cell computation you need to do. If you absolutely must have polygons, you could call reduceToVectors on that (but you should try hard to avoid that, performance is vastly better if you stay in image space).

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