I'm looking for an alternate way to undertake some processing.
Is there an ArcGIS Pro toolbox tool that can take an existing raster, use each cell (cell centroid?) to produce a new raster that contains the Count/Average/Sum/Etc of the cells within x distance?
So, lets say I had a raster where cells with houses present was a value 1, and everything else was a 0, I could produce a second raster with the input query being "for each cell give me the sum of all cells within 500m". The output is a new raster with the same cell boundaries (origin, width, etc - a snap raster in ESRI terms) where each cell is a count.
My current workflow would be to take the raster, convert it to points, buffer the points by 500m and produce individual polygons, ensure all datasets had a spatial index, summarize within / zonal statistics, join the resultant table back to the points, create the raster from points. It's horribly inefficient. The issue is I can't seem to work out if there's a tool to do it all within raster processing. If one exists - I do not know it's name and can't seem to find it.