I am looking for an Arcade Expression for ArcGIS Online which does the following:

If the value from field A is 222,333 or 444 OR
If the value from field B is 222,333 or 444 OR
If the value from field C is 222,333 or 444
return "Problem detected"

else return "Everything fine"

I have just found a solution for one field, but it does not take care of Field B or field C:

if ( $feature.FieldA == 111) {
return "everything fine"
else if ( $feature.FieldA == 222) {
return "Problem detected"
else if ( $feature.FieldA == 333) {
return "Problem detected"
else if ( $feature.FieldA == 444) {
return "Problem detected"
else {

return "No Values"


Is this even possible in Arcade?

2 Answers 2


A solution is to use a nested IIF() statement. Imagine the data is this:


Then you would run the following field calculate on it using this scripting logic:

var problemValues = [222,333,444];
var v = iif(($feature.fA == 111 && $feature.fB == 111 && $feature.fC == 111), "OK", iif((indexOf(problemValues,$feature.fA) != 0 && indexOf(problemValues,$feature.fB) != 0 && indexOf(problemValues,$feature.fC) != 0),"no values","problem"));
return v;

The result being:



I suggest the following expression:

var problemValues = [222,333,444];
var fields = [

for (var i in fields){
  var v = fields[i];
  if(IndexOf(problemValues, v) > -1){
    return 'Problem detected';

return 'Everything fine';

It's a little easier to read, and definitly easier to modify if you want to update the problem values.

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