One could use OWSLib, an excellent OGC Web Services utility library in python.
Install with pip (or download sources from repository):
pip install OWSLib
Retrieve some info from the the WMS server:
>>> from owslib.wms import WebMapService
>>> wms = WebMapService("")
>>> wms.identification.title
u'Us\u0142uga przegl\u0105dania (WMS) Pa\u0144stwowego Rejestru Granic dla obsza
ru Polski.'
>>> wms.identification.type
>>> wms.identification.version
>>> list(wms.contents)
['Nazwa_powiatu', 'Nazwa_gminy', 'Nazwa_wojewodztwa', 'Powiaty', 'Wojewodztwa',
Consult the complete documentation for more.