Can u help me in creating a trigger and function so that every time i change the flag in table A the buffer distance should get changed and also its geometry field also , ie the polygon area?
I have two tables named A and B.
Table A has the fields GID (primary key), FLAG, Buffer_distance, and the geometry field. Table B has the fields GID and buffer_distance, and has only three records as shown below:
GID(PK) Buffer_distance(Double Precision)
1 1000
2 2000
3 3000
Table A's structure:
gid(PK) buffer_distance(Double Precision) flag(Text) the_geom( Geometry)
1 200 1 the_geom
2 100 2 the_geom
3 100 3 the_geom
4 500 3 the_geom
5 300 2 the_geom
6 899 1 the_geom
What I want is the value of flag in table A to be updated from table B, and as soon as I updated the value of flag in table A the buffer_distance in A should also get replaced along with the geometry.
If what you want is to update buffer_distance in Table A based on the flag value (ie, buffer_distance=2000 when flag=2), can anyone write me an SQL case statement that will accomplish this. along with this the_geom Filed the geometry should also change with the new buffer_distance. i used the following code. help me to correct the same
create or replace function update_point_buffer() returns trigger as
-- delete
UPDATE tablea
SET buffer_distance = (SELECT tableb.buffer_distance
FROM tableb
"tableb.gid" = "tablea.flag");
return NEW;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
CREATE TRIGGER trg_upgradeBufferTrigger
EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_point_buffer();
i have used this query bit it has given this error ERROR: syntax error at or near "v_output" LINE 2: v_output integer;
create or replace function update_point_buffer(v_pointflag) returns number as---------------------Return buffer distance v_output number ; begin
SELECT buffer_distance into v_output FROM point_buffer WHERE gid = v_pointflag;
return v_output; END;
CREATE TRIGGER trg_upgradeBufferTrigger-----------------------------------Update table from B to A AFTER UPDATE ON point FOR EACH ROW
update point_buffer set buffer_distance= (select buffer_distance from table B where gis= :new.gis)
where gis= :new.gis
can any body correct it for use.