I have the layer uploaded to ArcGIS Online as you can see below.
I am wondering how to export the existing layer or new layer to various GIS format.
Maybe the question is silly, although it's the repercussion of service updates and so on.
All the stuff I found refers to hints, which seem to be not valid anymore.
because the interface shown there doesn't match my interface after login in at all.
Moreover, it looks like I am not the only one, who faces a problem like this, furthermore, the situation seems to be new.
Export features from an ArcGIS Online layer?
The edit options have been also changed
there is no option for add new field to the exsiting data attribute layer.
From the options we currently have, I can only:
- Open the map in ArcGIS desktop (by downloading the .pkinfo files for ArcMap and .pitemx files for ArcGIS Pro)
- Share map or embed it
- Save the map or layer virtually in my folder profile
There is no option to export the file i.e in GeoJSON at all despite all the sources available in Google Search point out explicitly, that the option exists! Has ESRI changed something over the last few weeks? The Youtube tutorial attached is just 3 months old.
The same situation applies to New Map Viewer mode.
Could anyone advise how to get the interface as shown in this article? https://developers.arcgis.com/documentation/mapping-apis-and-services/data-hosting/tutorials/tools/create-a-new-feature-layer/
Does anyone know how to export something from ArcGIS Online map to the hard drive?